
Ever wonder how people create a black and white with one particular area colored$%: Well it is not that hard! In fact it is as easy as adding 1 1 to equal 2.

First you want to open an image of interest in your Photoshop program. I always make a copy of the original so, make a copy and then close the original. Now, place your background image on a layer. Duplicate the layer and name it Black and White. Name the bottom layer color or something to remind you that it is the colored layer.

Next, we want to convert the top layer to a gray scale image so select the top layer. Go to Image:%$gt;Adjustments:%$gt;Desaturate and you will notice the top layer turns gray scale. Now choose the erase tool and while the top layer is still selected erase the colored area of your chose. You can also use the polygon lasso tool to select the area and the hit delete. That is it! Now this is for done with photos that are in color now I am going to show you how to do a black and white photo.

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To color an area on an actual black and white photo is not hard either. Again, open a black and white photo and don't forget to make a copy. Now, with your polygon lasso tool trace the area that you want colored. Select ctrl C and then ctrl V to copy and paste the selected area onto another layer. Go to Image:%$gt;Adjustments:%$gt;Hue/Saturation and the Hue/Saturation dialogue box appears. Select colorize in the lower right hand corner. Move the saturation slider to the desired color. When you are satisfied with the color choose the blur tool with a small brush size and trace the edge of the colored area. Flatten the image and you are done.

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